Iwase Cosfa Management System

Iwase Cosfa Management System

Environmental Management: ISO14001

Iwase Cosfa handles environmental preservation from a global perspective to undertake business activities.
To fulfill this, we have acquired ISO14001 certification for environmental management, as outlined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); we contribute to the society through a correct understanding and quick response to environmental issues. Our business activities are based on this guiding principle, and hope that we are recognized as contributing to our local community. We will continue to take on such initiatives in order to be a trustworthy raw material supplier.

Environmental Policies

Given that global environmental issues are one of the most important concerns common to all humans, Iwase Cosfa establishes sustainable goals in consideration of global environmental preservation, and strives to achieve such goals.

From the perspective of raw material procurement and sales, we will fulfill our responsibilities as a global corporate citizen and contribute to the society by promoting sustainable use of resources, the blessings of the earth, and the reduction of environmental burdens.
Iwase Cosfa will comply with all environment-related laws and regulations and fulfill our commitments in every aspect of our business activities.
In addition, we will recognize the impact of our business activities on the environment and will continue to make efforts for environmental consideration including prevention of pollution.

Global warming

On October 26, 2020, former Prime Minister Suga declared in his statement of belief that "by 2050, greenhouse gas emissions will be zero as a whole", and as a result, carbon neutrality is gaining attention in Japan. Iwase Cosfa supports carbon neutrality.

  1. We aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 70% (Scopes 1 and 2).
  2. We aim to obtain 50% of the electricity we use from renewable energy.

Waste reduction

We work for effective use of resources and waste reducing.

  1. We aim to keep waste emissions below 1% of sales volume by 2030.

Water usage reduction

We continuously monitor the amount of water used and wastewater, and reduce the environmental load and the amount of water used by utilizing circulation.
We strive to further protect water resources in order to use the limited water resources sustainably.

  1. As a single-year target, we aim to reduce the total amount by 1% / year.

To fulfill these commitments, we will strive to achieve the following goals * by 2030.

*ベースイヤー: 2019年

Environmental Policy: ISO14001

  • Management System Certificate
    Management System Certificate
  • Appendix

Quality Management System: ISO9001

As a trading company of cosmetic raw materials, we are constantly implementing initiatives to enhance customer satisfaction.
To prove this, we have obtained ISO9001 certification, a standard established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as an international standard model for the management system of "quality," so that we are working to make our business even more conducive to our customers.
Our "quality" management does not refer to the quality of the product itself.
We consider "quality" to be the reliable fulfillment of orders from our customers, such as quantity, due date, delivery destination and so on.
The significance of our quality management system is to enhance customer satisfaction by improving quality of our operations.

Quality Policies

In the field of beauty and health, we contribute to the affluent lives of people around the world as a "creator who provides new value."

  1. We provide products, information, and services that accurately meet market demands, and guarantee quality and stable supply that reassure our customers.
  2. We comply with laws and regulations and international agreements, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable economic growth.
  3. We create a comfortable working environment and implement appropriate education and training so that employees can maximize their individual abilities.


  • Management System Certificate
    Management System Certificate
  • Appendix